Save water today to sustain your living tomorrow
Walk for Water is an NGO set up with the sole aim of providing clean water access to one and all. The United Nations General Assembly has explicitly recognized the human right to water and sanitation and acknowledged that clean drinking water and sanitation are essential to the realization of all human rights. The Supreme Court of India has time and again declared that access to clean drinking water is a fundamental right as part of the right to life under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution. Yet, for large sections of the populace, it is very hard to find clean water, let alone get access to it. At any one time, close to half of all people in developing countries are suffering from health problems caused by poor water and sanitation. Together, unclean water and poor sanitation are the world’s second biggest killer of children.
Walk For Water considers establishing water treatment plants as a necessity and an answer for major health problems in India and all across the globe. Walk For Water is committed to addressing the perennial challenge of providing safe, affordable water and sanitation needs of the public. Our clear vision and commitment is adding value and quality to human lives and hence our focus is on water & waste management, pollution reduction and providing nature friendly sustainable development models through innovation. The “Walk for Water Movement” has been taking water awareness to a different new level by involving all citizens to participate and propel the movement towards creating a momentum for “Water Now, Water Tomorrow, Safe Water for All.”
Walk For Water is an organization that runs behind ‘numbers’; numbers as in ‘lives improved and bettered’ are definitely important to us. We strongly believe that the only solution to the water crisis is by spreading awareness and it is possible only by increasing these ‘numbers’. As an NGO, ‘happy lives and happier societies’ is our first focus. It will eventually mean better quality of life, more time for creating things that add value to life, and better efforts to spread laughter and peace.
We are not just an NGO, but a link between Nature and Human Life. We take our commitments to both very seriously because they are interlinked and share a symbiotic relationship. We look forward to a future where there is a perfect balance between Nature and Human Life on this planet.