Save water today to sustain your living tomorrow
Walk For Water aims to bring the 1.2 billion hearts of India to beat for the same cause – “Water Now, Water Tomorrow, Safe Water for All!” In line with the ambitious motto, we plan to involve all the different strata of the Indian society for the momentum. The children and youth of the Nation would be the torch bearers in this long walk! As the future ambassadors, they will ensure water responsible future, and inculcate water sensitivity in their families, colonies, villages and towns etc. Through them, and with the help of the governments and other institutions, we will move towards a water secure India/ water secure world very soon.
Water Awareness:
Water Awareness will be spread through seminars and meetings with the participation of industry experts and environmental scientists at schools, colleges and other government and non-government institutions. Information on the need for water safety, water security and existing water scarce situation will be given through accurate data, pictures, videos and other supporting material. Participation and engagement of the listeners/ viewers will most essentially be focused upon as this target group will take the message a long way. Essay writing, elocution competitions, painting displays, other audio-visual presentations from the participants will be invited making the program important and engaging.
We aim to conduct at least 500 such student level seminars before the Walk in 2019.
State level and national level seminars will also be organized with the participation of intelligentsia, NGO’s, government bodies, policy makers and other contingents. The panel discussions will focus upon current water challenges, future scenario, solutions on offer, and will encourage innovations and newer mechanisms to address and mitigate the growing safe water scarcity across the globe.
At least 5 state level and 1 national seminars are aimed to be organized before the Walk in 2019.
Water Audit:
Walk For Water will offer a free promotional Water Audit at as many villages as possible, especially at the locations where the awareness camps are to be conducted. A basic water test and analysis will be performed by the company, the results of which will be shared by the concerned public. An online report will also be put up for future reference and perusal. The company experts will also offer counsel based on the water audit report. The suggestions and recommendations will cover residential advice, institutional and industry level advice along with future guidelines for policy makers. As this water audit will coincide with water seminars at the villages concerned, this essential information will be spread and made available to all concerned at the same time.
Walk For Water Foundation aims to perform 1000 water audits by February, 2019.
Water Awards:
Based on the findings of the water audits and also based on the implementation of the recommendations and follow up of the water audits, awards will be given at village, district, state and national levels. These awards will be in different categories concerning water safety like availability of potable water, responsible use of water, sustenance of water resources, innovations for better water management etc,. These awards and the media attention they raise will encourage individuals, institutions, villages and governments to participate in this social momentum with more enthusiasm.
There will be 25 awards in various categories at each level.
Walk For Water:
March 22nd – the World Water Day, will be remembered in India as Walk For Water Day! The Walk in 2019 will touch all districts of the country – 676 till date, while the aim is to conduct 1000 such walks in total. The Walk will be an event of social awareness, an occasion to bring all concerned people together, a place for celebration, a pledge to future and many other things rolled into one. The voices yelling “Water Now, Water Tomorrow, Safe Water For All” on these thousand walks might be a fraction of the Globe, but soon, they will be more than a billion soon, we hope and aim.
With you joining us, we will be one step closer to the noble target. One sure step will definitely take us many more miles in ensuring a Water Secure Earth soon! Be there, be counted!