Join The Blue Revolution

Listen to the alarm bells ringing loud, saying that your days are counted when you will be extremely hardput to access source of water in India and life could be in danger. Yes, this is the present Indian scenario of the water issue and we, ourselves should take the blame upon us for causes that have led to this situation. Time has come when we should handle this issue by the scruff of the neck so that the impending danger looming large upon our country can be minimized.

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Make a Pledge to Save Water and Use Water Wisely
1 Step 1
I pledge to turn off the tap when I'm brushing my teeth.
I pledge to turn off the tap when I'm shaving and soaping.
I pledge to wash vegetables/fruits in a bowl instead of under a running tap.
I pledge to run the dishwasher and washing machine only when it’s on full load
I pledge to take bath using a bucket of water instead of shower bath.
I pledge to take a shower at reduced time limit.
I pledge to turn off tap while washing clothes and cleaning vessels.
I pledge to use smart ways of watering plants to avoid wastage.
I pledge to preserve rain water for other utility purposes.
I pledge to check leaks in taps and other irrigation systems to avoid wastage.
I pledge to clean my car using shutoff nozzle.
I take a pledge to educate one family member to save water

Total Litres Pledged

