Let’s get the most from water before it loses itself in the Ocean!

Imagine yourself or your child here

Typical Third World image, isn’t it?

Imagine yourself or your child here

A walk separated the primordial human from other animals. However long, a walk begins with just one step and the sole determination to reach the goal. Let’s walk again, this time to preserve the very basic source that gave birth to life – Water! A drop of water could mean life, health, livelihood, quality of life and industry. This precious bounty of Nature – Water is under threat from us. Centuries of misuse, wastage and pollution of this life giving resource by humans has endangered the future of our children. Will there be enough water for all? This scary scenario is not futuristic or alarmist; it might happen within our lifetimes as climate change impacts precipitation patterns and aquifers are depleted. Already, water stress has affected the lives of millions of people in Africa, Asia, North and South America.
Water, Water Everywhere But Not A Drop To Drink! Let’s Make Water Everybody’s Business by Promoting Water Conservation, Water Treatment and Rainwater Harvesting.